CieFF – Social Covered Bond of the year 2023 by Environnemental Finance
Following the success of CFF Inaugural Social Bond in October 2023, CFF is the Award winner of the Social Covered Bond of the Year by Environmental Finance.
According to Environnemental Finance methodology, the winner are selected by “an independent panel of judges – who are investors – the Awards seek to recognize those that excel, innovate and contribute to the successful development of the market.”
This is a notable distinction in the world of sustainable finance, offering visibility and a positive image to the market signature of Compagnie de Financement Foncier and the “Sustainable Bond Program“ of Groupe BPCE.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parties involved for their hard work and strong support in making this Issue a success.
CieFF : Compagnie de Financement Foncier (Ticker Bloomberg : CFF),icker Bloomber
Gregory Glycococalos & Paul Dudouit : Team ESG / ISR Issues at CFF